Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Our Story Begins

December 23, 2006

We found out we were pregnant with triplets 6 weeks into my pregnancy. I had taken a low dose hormone and then had an IUI. At 4 weeks they began running my hormone levels and every three days the number was tripling. After about a week the Dr wanted to take a look and see what was going on. His extact words were. "Here is one baby", at that point we knew there were more than one. Then he said "and here is another baby and here is baby number three. Your pregnant with triplets" Shane and I just laughed and laughed. What else could we do. We knew God had truly blessed us.

I began to grow quickly. It wasn't long before you could tell I was pregnant. At 19 weeks I was put on bed rest. It was just a precautionary measure because everything was good.

Weeks 9, 12, &14

Weeks 16, 18, & 20

Weeks 23, 25 & 27

My hospital stay began on April 24, 2007. I was 24 weeks into the pregnancy. I had been to the Dr and my cervix had started to shorten. So in to the hospital I went. I was pretty scared. I had never been in the hospital before and I knew I was going to be here for quite a while. My family helped make the best of it. They brought in so many things to help make my room less hospital like and more homish.

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