Hayla is 16lbs and 4 oz. She is sitting on her own and loves to sing. When we are in church she will just sing and sing to the music. I don't know if you remember or not but she use to sing to her brothers in the hospital. God has blessed her with a beautiful little voice.
Clayton is 16lbs and 8oz. He is sitting on his own. He is our growler. He loves to growl at Hayla and Dylan or us. With Hayla and Dylan they just laugh when he does it to them. And with us we growl back and he giggles and just keeps doing it. To think we almost lost him and now you can't tell he was ever sick. God is amazing!
Dylan is 20lbs. He too is sitting on his own and he is our eater. Anything we put in front of him he chows down on. He is learning to feed himself by using his hands to pick things up and put them in his mouth. He is also trying to pull himself up. Last night in his crib he was sitting there and then scooted over to the edge and pulled up to his feet but couldn't hold on for very long. He started out as the smallest and look where God has taken him. He is the biggest and ahead of the bunch. God is so good!
We gave them their first taste of candy for Easter. Hayla was not interested. She wouldn't eat it for anything. The boys on the other hand loved it and chewed them to death.
As you can imagine the whole family gathered around to watch. Everyone got a kick out of it.

In the end we had to give the boys a bath. They were sticky from head to toe. Hayla on the other hand just needed a face wipe. She wanted to play wit her egg rather than eat the candy.

Oh my goodness you guys, the triplets are getting so big. They are so precious. You two have a beautiful family!!!!! It looks like you are keeping busy :)God's Blessing to all of you!
Love ya, Alicia
(P.S. Incase you forgot who I am, my grandma is Don's sister)
They are too cute! I'm glad you found our blog. You will definitely get a peek into your future :-) I love reading other multiples blogs too (when I have time).
Hang on because it goes by so fast!
Take care and keep in touch.
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