The babies still have a pretty tight schedule and we try not get off if possible. But now that they are getting bigger and starting to move around we are having more fun.
Hayla is sitting on her own and has two teeth. Dylan is also sitting on his own and trying to crawl. He gets up on all four and rocks back and forth. No teeth for him or Clayton yet. But hopefully soon. Dylan has been chewing and drooling since mid December and the past few weeks his gums are so sore. Poor thing he just chews and chews and cries. Hayla didn't have any problems with her first ones and Clayton is fussy here and there. Clayton is sitting and rolls around to get from place to place.
Shane and I are trying to get the house ready for three mobile children, but we have the plan of using baby gates to keep them coraled in one area of the house.
We will start trying real table foods next week. I think Dylan is ready, not too sure about the other two. We have tried a few things here and there and Clayton tries to grab it all up like playing jacks. Hayla at first would just look at her plate and start to cry now she picks

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