The last six weeks has been very rough on us. With all of the medical tests Shane has had to endure and him not being able to drive and then the babies had a bad upper respiratory infections, we were doing good just to get our everyday household chores done. Things are finally looking up. All of the Neuro tests and Cardiac test have come back normal. It appears his "pass out" was just that. We will go to see the Neurologist one last time in May to put a close to all of this. And the babies are off breathing treatments and feeling much better.
They are growing so fast. Its hard to belive they will be two in one month. They are talking up a storm. They can say so many words and understand even more. Just this week they started putting two words together like "big bubble" or "help me". They love to help with the dishes after dinner. I wash and they rinse and put them in the dish drainer. What is so great now too is that I can take them all to the store now by myself with out a stroller. We hold hands and walk in it is so great.
I have posted several new blogs with pictures from the last six weeks. Enjoy!!!

What beautiful children you have! I love the bluebonnet pictures! Hayla is just a little doll, she looks just like you!
Happy birthday to the triplets! Hope you guys are celebrating!
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