Wow its hard to believe that in 3 more months we will be 2 years old. Where has the time gone? Well everyone is doing great. We have really been pretty healthy this winter. Little bugs here and there but nothing compared to last year. They are all wearing 2T clothes, we are not sure how much they weigh. We had to put away the high chairs this week because they started climbing in and out of them. So we are sitting in booster seats like big kids. Next it will be the cribs and we are so not ready for that! We have really taken to the country life. The kids love to go on walks down the dirt drive and feed Grannie and Pawpaw's horses. They love to go barefoot in the grass and dirt out front. Last week one evening there were a tone of moths flying around the porch lights, the kids are fascinated with them, so they got their little chairs and sat in front of the sliding glass door and just watched the moths.


Miss Mam is what we call her. She loves to help out from clearing the table to cooking with me to folding clothes. She also like to take care of the boys, loves on them and then turns right around and tells them "no no". She is very independent and will play by herself most of the time. She is a girly girl which is so funny because I am really not. She loves to look at herself in the mirror and to show off her clothes and hair. This past week I had painted my toes and she had a fit when she saw them. She started pulling at her shoes and telling me she wanted hers done. After I did it she showed everyone 20 times. She loves music and loves to dance. She is saying new words all the time and combining them with her sign language. She loves sign language. We purchased some books with kids making signs and she will sit and copy the signs she sees.
Clayton is our little professor. He is very curious and loves to explore. He is also our horse man. As you can see he is riding the horse without anyone holding on. My uncle walked right next to him but he wanted to do it by himself. The previous week the two of them went riding and when my uncle brought him back he cried and cried because he didn't want to stop. He has a natural seat when it comes to riding. (this is the way a person moves when the horse moves). He has a large vocabulary as well and can copy just about anything we say. He is still wearing glasses but now has to do some eye patch therapy. For 2 hours a day he wears a band aid like patch under his glasses in hopes to correct the lazy eye. The eye doctor says his eye isn't bad enough for surgery but it does need to be fixed so we are trying this and we will see what happens.
Then there is our clown. Yes little Dylan loves to laugh and make others laugh. He is afraid of nothing and willing to climb anything. A few weeks ago he climbed up on the table got as apple and started eating it. He is the first to learn how to open doors. Yes nothing is safe in our any longer. The door knobs were our last baby proofing and the other night we were all in our bedroom and Dylan closed the door and then opened. Shane and I looked at each other and said surely not. Then he did it again so the next day we put door knob protectors every where. He is talking up a storm too.
I love all the little insight on your kiddos lives. I feel like I am getting to know them through the blog! We need to get together!
I LOVE the picture of Hayla and Clayton on the horse! So sweet. I can't believe how big they are and it certainly doesn't seem like they are about to turn 2! Glad to hear "Miss Mam" is a girly girl (hee hee). The reunion is set for March 28, hope to see you guys there. Give my babies some love
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