Clayton got his glasses this week and amazingly enough he has worn them without a problem. He puts them on in the morning and the only time he takes them off is when they need to be cleaned. We think he looks too cute in them. And thankfully the other two haven't paid too much attention to them.

OMG! He is too cute! Looking at him makes me want him to say, "The human head weighs 8 pounds!" (Like the boy in Jerry Maquire!).
We really need to plan to get all the kids together I want to see ya'll!
He looks so cute! What a little man!
What a handsome boy!!! (glowing with pride) he is so stinkin cute. Hope all is well in your household, we are definitely settled in and unfortunately I go back to work this week :-(
Give those babies kisses from their favorite nurse!!!!! (that's me)
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