Clayton got his glasses this week and amazingly enough he has worn them without a problem. He puts them on in the morning and the only time he takes them off is when they need to be cleaned. We think he looks too cute in them. And thankfully the other two haven't paid too much attention to them.
Shane had his 10 year class reunion last Friday and Saturday. We went to the homecoming game and the babies ran around the grass and danced to the band. We wore Grandma and Grandpa out. Then on Saturday there was a family picnic at the park. The babies loved it.
The boys liked going down the slide, Hayla wasn't quite sure.
This is my Aunt's Cat it comes over from her house to visit and Hayla has just taken to him. She will follow him around the yard and love on him and he begs for it.
Shane and I love to camp and we hadn't been since I was pregnant with the babies. So we decided to take the babies to the deer lease a few weekends ago and see how it went. It was very interesting. The babies didn't understand why they couldn't just run where ever they wanted. But overall they did very well.
Here we are in front of our trailer. The babies had a sandbox and lots of toys to play with here on the deck.
Bathing three in a tiny travel trailer bathroom is quite difficult. I sat on the toilet and bathed them then passed them off to my mom who dressed them and let them play on the bed until we were ready to put them in the pack and plays for bed.
There Aunt Anna taught them how to throw rocks. What fun!!!
I don't know if you remember or not but in one of my last post I mentioned that the babies were learning animal sounds. They all know what sound a cow makes. Well they think that a dove says boom boom, thanks to Daddy.