Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We are in Toddler Beds

The time has finally come. We knew it would! They never did figure out they could climb out of their beds, but last week when Dylan was hanging on the side that slides down, from the inside mind you, and it slid down. So we decided that it was time. We made a big deal out of it. We went as a family to Target and let them pick out new sheets and they all got a pillow for the first time and then we found pj's to match their sheets. Then when we got home they helped Daddy take the sides down and put up the roll bars.

Shane and I were so afraid it was was going to take for ever to get them to stay in bed and go to sleep, but it didn't. We went through out regular routine and after leaving the room the boys got out a few times but we put them right back in and after about 30 minutes all were asleep. No one fell out, no one got up out of bed at night and then at nap time the next day they all went to sleep and no one got out at all. Amazing simply amazing!
Dylan and his race car sheets and PJ's.
Clayton and his race car sheets and PJ's.
Hayla and her princess sheets and PJ's.