Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Weekend with Family

We spent the weekend with family. Here are the babies in a crib at Grandma's house. (Shane's mom)

Everyone is doing great! They are all pulling up and the boys are crawling.

Dylan finally cut two teeth and is eating any anthing he can get his hands on. He is also saying "dada" and "buba".

Clayton isn't talking yet but he is using his voice as loud as he can. I am working on getting him to say Mama first I am feeling kind of left out.

And then there is miss Hayla. She is going to let her brothers do every thing for her. She can pull up but has not tried crawling yet. She too is saying "dada".

Bluebonnet pictures

On a Sunday afternoon we took the kids up to my school to take our first bluebonnet pictures.

The boys loved it but Hayla did not like the grass touching her legs or feet.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hayla did it

Well Hayla is finally pulling up like the boys. She had done it once before but that was it. Now she is doing it all the time. We also think she is saying "da da".

Here we are out for a walk on a one of the beautiful spring days we have been having.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We are 10 months old

The babies turned 1o months last Friday. Where has the time gone? They are all working on pulling up. They have all pulled up from a sitting position, but the boys do it all the time now that they have learned how. All three are getting over ear infections this week so we aren't in the best of moods. Hopefully they will be better by the weekend because we are supposed to go to the deer lease on Saturday.

Let me out of here!